
All events are grouped under a common ZF\Doctrine\GraphQL\Event object. In this repository the same event can be called in different places based on context such as when building an EntityType and when building the filters for an EntityType; both places need the same type override. That is why all events are grouped.

Filtering Query Builders

Each top level entity to query uses a QueryBuilder object. This QueryBuilder object should be modified to filter the data for the logged in user. This is the security layer. QueryBuilders are built then triggered through an event. Listen to this event and modify the passed QueryBuilder to apply your security. The queryBuilder already has the entityClassName assigned to fetch with the alias ‘row’.

use Zend\EventManager\Event as ZendEvent;
use ZF\Doctrine\GraphQL\Event;

$events = $container->get('SharedEventManager');

    function(ZendEvent $event)
        switch ($event->getParam('entityClassName')) {
            case 'Db\Entity\Performance':
                // Modify the queryBuilder for your needs
                    ->andWhere(' = 1')


The Event::RESOLVE event includes the parameters and allows you to override the whole ResolveLoader event. This allows you to have custom parameters and act on them through the ResolveLoader RESOLVE event.

Resolve Post

The Event::RESOLVE_POST event allows you to modify the values returned from the ResolveLoader via an ArrayObject or replace the values.

Override GraphQL Type

The Event::MAP_FIELD_TYPE event allows you to override the GraphQL type for any field. Imagine you have an array field on an entity and the array field is multi-dimentional. Because this module handles arrays as arrays of strings (because GraphQL needs to know exact subtypes of types) it cannot handle a multi-dimentional array. A good solution is to turn the value into JSON in a hydrator strategy and override the type to a String.

use Zend\EventManager\Event as ZendEvent;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use ZF\Doctrine\GraphQL\Event;

$events = $container->get('SharedEventManager');

    function(ZendEvent $event)
        $hydratorAlias = $event->getParam('hydratorAlias');
        $fieldName = $event->getParam('fieldName');

        if ($hydratorAlias == 'ZF\\Doctrine\\GraphQL\\Hydrator\\DbTest_Entity_Artist') {
            if ($fieldName === 'arrayField') {

                return Type::string();

This is documentation for zf-doctrine-graphql. If you find this useful please add your ★ star to the project.

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