Schema Configuration


The Context object provided enables configuration of GraphQL through the following options:

  • limit - Set a maximum limit of each data section in a query
  • hydratorSection - Which section within the hydrator configuration should be used
  • useHydratorCache - By default all hydrator operations are not cached. Enabling this value will cache all the hydrator operation in anticipation that the result may be reused.

Context is the configuration for each GraphQL entry point. This allows unlimited configuration through multiple hydrator sections.

You must use the same context object for a Query as you assign to the Loader. This may be done via different Schemas or different RPC endpoints.

useHydratorCache Context Option

The hydrator cache by defaults stores only the most recent hydrator extract data in anticipation that the next call to the FieldResolver will be the same object and the cache can be used. If the same object is not requesed for extraction then the cache is flushed and the new result is cached.

For a query

  artist ( filter: { id: 2 } ) {
    performance {

All performance dates for the artist 2 will be returned. Internally each performance is extracted according to the hydrator filters and strategies assigned to the hydrator section and entity. This may be many more fields than just performanceDate. And since we are only interested in one value setting useHydratorCache to false will flush the cache with each new object so once a performanceDate is read and the next performance is sent to the FieldResolver the previous hydrator extract data is purged.

For a query

  performance ( filter: { id:1 } ) {
    performanceDate set1 set2 artist {

useHydratorCache set to true will cause set3 to be pulled from the cache. If it were set to false set3 would generate a new hydrator extract operation on an entity which had already been extracted once before.

useHydratorCache set to false will fetch set1 and set2 from the single-entity cache created by the performanceDate.

Supported Data Types

This module would like to support all datatypes representable in a GraphQL response. At this time these data types are supported:

array    - Arrays are handled as arrays of strings because Doctrine
           does not type the values of the array.

Dates are handled as ISO 8601 e.g. 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00

If you have need to support a datatype not listed here please create an issue on the github project.

Provided Tools

There are three tools this library provides to help you build your GraphQL Schema.

  • TypeLoader - This tool creates a GraphQL type for a top-level entity and all related entities beneath it. It also creates resolvers for related collections using the api-skeletons/zf-doctrine-criteria library.
  • FilterLoader - This tool creates filters for all non-related fields (collections) such as strings, integers, etc. These filters are built from the zfcampus/zf-doctrine-querybuilder library.
  • ResolveLoader - This tool builds the querybuilder object and queries the database based on the FilterLoader filters.

Each of these tools takes a fully qualified entity name as a paramter allowing you to create a top level GraphQL query field for any entity.

There is not a tool for mutations. Those are left to the developer to build.

This is documentation for zf-doctrine-graphql. If you find this useful please add your ★ star to the project.

Authored by API Skeletons. All rights reserved.